Saturday, November 17, 2012

Visiting Berefet and Ndembang

In order to finish up my food security project, I got the chance to go back to our village of Berefet and a neighboring village of Ndembang.  Another volunteer and I judged the success of the tree planting at each school, gave each child who participated a certificate, and awarded the best school with 150 exercise books.  The trees looked good for the most part.  In our village, the area was not weeded so all of the citrus plants were eaten by caterpillars! Hopefully, with maintenance, the trees will survive and the non-citrus trees all look to be doing better.  The upper basic school in Ndembang looked outstanding.  The area had been weeded and almost all the trees appeared very healthy.  The Arabic lower basic school in Ndembang looked good; however, they also had some insect infestation and a few of the trees did not have tree guards surrounding them.  We decided that this school needed the materials much more so than the upper basic school so we rigged the competition and gave the Arabic school exercise books.  Lamin, the head gardener, was very happy and ensured us he would keep taking excellent care of the trees. 

 Handing over the certificates to Lamin

On a separate occasion Ben and I went to visit Berefet for the day with our Spanish friends Luis and Maria.  It was really nice visiting our family and villagers.  We gave the children balloons and gave people some pictures which they always enjoy.  We got the latest gossip from everyone and the rice has already been harvested so people have plenty right now.  The men are still going to the farms to protect their millet, peanuts, and watermelon from the monkeys though.  In a few weeks everything will be harvested and the villagers will be enjoying what looks to be a very good harvest this year with all the rain we got.  The air is cooling down slowly as we approaching our winter so this is a really good time of year.

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