Things have calmed down now and we have settled back into our village. Ben settled back into managing the bee project with Luis, and I was just approved for my library and resource project at the school. We started working on it 2 days ago!
Recently we helped Luis harvest a wild hive from Luis’s friends’ restaurant in the city. We drove to the city, dismantled the hive, and the next day Ben and Luis took it back to his farm in a European bee box. All three of us ‘got got’ (stung) but it was still fun and the bees are doing well at the farm. It’s hard to explain why this is a crazy thing to do so I’m hoping the pictures will do a better job of it than I could. Elma, Luis and Maria’s daughter, told us we looked like Ghostbusters.
Lots of bees!
Ben trying to smoke out the bees
Ben had a few meetings with the women’s tie and dye group. They are having trouble collecting money from people who paid on credit. The money has been due for 2 months now so Ben had a meeting and explained that if they give back the fabric and allow others who can pay now to buy the fabric, then the kafoo will be able to do more jobs and at the end of the year would have more money. They were surprisingly receptive to this idea.
I have also been helping with our school garden and another school garden at a neighboring village with our sitemate Jessica. I gave both schools seeds and instructions on how to plant an intensive moringa bed and made a small handout for one school to keep track of their produce.
Breaking ground (they all got stickers afterwards which they loved)
Also, we really appreciated all the care packages that came around January! Thank you so much! Miss you friends and family!